New Year, Renewed Optimism in Wantagh Schools

As Wantagh students and staff reunited on Sept. 3 for the start of the 2024-2025 school year, there were some reflections on summer memories but more importantly, they looked toward the great possibilities ahead.
Wantagh High School was the first to open its doors and by 7:30 a.m., a steady stream of students were walking through. Outside, they crossed over inspirational chalk messages on the sidewalks and underneath a freshly painted overhang. Wantagh Board of Education trustees and central and building administrators were there to greet them.
As they were settling into their first period classes, their younger peers were arriving next door at the middle school. About an hour later, youngsters from pre-K to fifth grade were gathering on the front lawns of Forest Lake, Mandalay and Wantagh elementary schools clutching bags of school supplies and eager for the year ahead.